Jeremaia’s True Story
Jeremaia was hospitalised after becoming seriously ill with COVID-19
Jeremaia was hospitalised after becoming seriously ill with COVID-19
I felt ripped off. I was a church goer all my life – why hadn’t I heard this before?
I suffered a mental breakdown in 2014, and was hospitalised for a month.
Kaliti (above left) is a new Fijian sister who lives in Wollongong. She met a lady named Trez in a fish & chip shop and Trez spoke to her about the Lord. Kaliti received the Spirit just before she was baptised. Susi (above right) was baptised on 14th March 2021. She received the Spirit the week before […]
I always believed in God and Jesus, His Son. I believed the bible was His word – and tried unsuccessfully to read it.
“God filled me with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and from that moment, I knew that God was real.”
When I walked into the Revival Fellowship hall for the first time, I knew I had found what was missing in my life.
“My heart was broken and I thought I would never be happy again, but the Lord has completely healed my heart…”
When Alison was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year she felt a yearning to come back to God…
Krista and Damien had great difficulty falling pregnant – until their last opportunity.
This was a particularly helpful talk given at the National Youngies Camp 2018. Josh shares his own experiences dealing with mental health and gives six strategies that have made a real difference for him.
I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for calling me and saving me.