
What We Are & What We’re Not

Ben Chidiac (Sydney) spoke recently at a NSW zoom Prayer & Fast about what we are as a church and what we are not. Watch on YouTube here.

Meet Kaliti and Susi

Kaliti (above left) is a new Fijian sister who lives in Wollongong. She met a lady named Trez in a fish & chip shop and Trez spoke to her about the Lord. Kaliti received the Spirit just before she was baptised. Susi (above right) was baptised on 14th March 2021. She received the Spirit the week before […]


This year we were blessed to have a physical National Youngies event, however it was spread across 2 locations. I had the pleasure of attending the Central Coast event. The ministry was golden, and fellowship even better! Board games and football were a must, but just spending this time with our brothers and sisters was […]

Revival in Sydney & Wollongong

Here are some photos of recent activity in our Sydney fellowship since the beginning of 2021. It’s certainly been an exciting start to the year here, and these new brothers & sisters keep sharing their experience with others. The fruit just keeps growing… Michelle & Nina (above) are from Wollongong and were baptised 17 January […]

Evelyn’s story

“God filled me with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and from that moment, I knew that God was real.”

My corner of the vineyard – South Canberra

It’s such a blessing to be breathing fresh air in January 2021 after Canberrans could barely see through the smoke haze this time last year. February 2020 saw the North and Southside fellowships come together to run a “Fete for Fires” event, enticing passers-by to have their face painted, jump in a jumping castle and […]

Kara’s True Story

When I walked into the Revival Fellowship hall for the first time, I knew I had found what was missing in my life.

History of the Church

Pastor Mark talks about the history of the bible church. Starting from the day of Pentecost when people first received the gift of the Holy Spirit, up until now – when people are still receiving the Holy Spirit and experiencing the same signs and wonders. Watch it now on YouTube here.