


What We Are & What We’re Not

Ben Chidiac (Sydney) spoke recently at a NSW zoom Prayer & Fast about what we are as a church and what we are not. Watch on YouTube here.

History of the Church

Pastor Mark talks about the history of the bible church. Starting from the day of Pentecost when people first received the gift of the Holy Spirit, up until now – when people are still receiving the Holy Spirit and experiencing the same signs and wonders. Watch it now on YouTube here.

People of Honour

Pastor Mark looks at what the bible has to say about ‘honour’. When we are spirit-filled we become people of honour. God has honoured us with his Holy Ghost…we are valued and precious in his sight. Watch it now on YouTube here.

Why should I bother with fellowship? (Chris Jose; Jan 2015)

Why can’t we just worship God without going to church? P Chris outlines the value and role of coming together. Not going to church as a place, but being the church as an assembly. After all, we need the influence and encouragement of each other. For worship; guidance; joy and fellowship; comfort; discipline; to uphold […]

Sin Explained

A very comprehensive talk on sin – why we sin (even when we don’t want to), and what to do when we do sin. Given by a young P Dan Sunderland at our National Youngies Camp in 2006 when the theme was ‘Enjoying your salvation’

Dealing with mental health (from NYC 18)

This was a particularly helpful talk given at the National Youngies Camp 2018. Josh shares his own experiences dealing with mental health and gives six strategies that have made a real difference for him.

Legion Released – You Really are Free

Given by P Pete Moore at our National Youngies Camp in 2006 when the theme was ‘Enjoying your salvation’. It’s hard to enjoy your salvation when you still feel trapped by your sin. But like Legion – a man filled with many demons, release is not just possible, it’s promised.