Basics – #4 Speaking in Tongues
Speaking in tongues is the sound heard when someone is filled with the Holy Spirit. It is the initial external evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Speaking in tongues is the sound heard when someone is filled with the Holy Spirit. It is the initial external evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit.
God is a healing God. He wants to restore people and make them whole. Healing has been one of God’s promises throughout all of mankind’s existence.
Bible prophecy is declaring what cannot be known by natural means. It is speaking the mind and counsel of God, and includes predicting events and the future of nations.
The writings and prophecies of the Bible throw light on the past, present and future. They leave us in no doubt that Jesus is returning to the earth.
This is the first in a series of talks by Pr Michael Nagy about the foundations doctrines in Hebrews 6.
This talk is part of the Fundamental Series on the Hebrews 6 about the baptism in the Holy Ghost.
The talk is part of the Hebrews 6 Foundation Series laying on of hands for healing, blessing and deliverance.
This talk continues the Foundation Series about resurrection of the dead…
This talk presents what the Bible says about the final judgement. It completes the series on the foundation doctrines.