

Hit by a van while cycling: Pr Nick Allen’s incredible story

While out for a regular daily cycle, Pastor Nick was hit unexpectly by a van at speed.

The list of injuries he had sustained and risks from them kept growing with every scan & test performed by doctors, by every medical standard the picture forming about what his future may look like was devastating.  In this interview with Frank, Pastor Nick walks through the blessing after blessing that has been the miracle of his recovery.

Wednesday United 15 Feb 2023

Hear about the work in Liberia from Jan Pieter & Karen, and Michelle shares how she feels they have come full circle in their family…

Wednesday United 16 November 2022

Cathie shares with us how she heard about God and the peace that God has given her; and hear Dan & Trez chat about some exciting things happening in Wollongong recently.

Food Allergy Healed!

After being encouraged from different people around here – her father’s faith, her friend’s confidence and encouragement through ministry – Jess was healed from her food allergies and intolerances.