
Revival in Sydney & Wollongong

Here are some photos of recent activity in our Sydney fellowship since the beginning of 2021. It’s certainly been an exciting start to the year here, and these new brothers & sisters keep sharing their experience with others. The fruit just keeps growing… Michelle & Nina (above) are from Wollongong and were baptised 17 January […]

Evelyn’s story

“God filled me with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and from that moment, I knew that God was real.”

Alison’s true story

When Alison was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year she felt a yearning to come back to God…

Using the power of God (Garry Hall; Sep 2019)

Do we really appreciate just what God has made possible for us? Whatever the challenge, whatever the prison, whatever the difficulty, God’s power is available to us to resolve any situation. Garry also shares some wonderful experiences that he’s shared over the years – including his own powerful conversion.  

Transformed & finding peace through grief

Despite losing her loving husband Philip to cancer shortly after finding God, Ros felt God directing her to continue walking in his ways. Through her grief she found a deeper relationship with God and, in time, peace and joy.