

Peace & Direction Through Grief

Paula was called by God over 30 years ago, she knew straight away what she was hearing was the truth.   In this interview with Sam, Paula shares how she and her husband Dave came to know God and the life changing peace God has brought after Dave’s sudden passing.

Protection in Afghanistan

Sam grew up in a loving family knowing God, through his military service he has experienced God’s personal protection, witnessed miracles first hand and shares about life after Afghanistan

Hit by a van while cycling: Pr Nick Allen’s incredible story

While out for a regular daily cycle, Pastor Nick was hit unexpectly by a van at speed.

The list of injuries he had sustained and risks from them kept growing with every scan & test performed by doctors, by every medical standard the picture forming about what his future may look like was devastating.  In this interview with Frank, Pastor Nick walks through the blessing after blessing that has been the miracle of his recovery.

Teens Camp 2022

Hear Ben and Nathan chat about what they loved about the recent 2022 NSW/ACT Teens Camp

What We Are & What We’re Not

Ben Chidiac (Sydney) spoke recently at a NSW zoom Prayer & Fast about what we are as a church and what we are not. Watch on YouTube here.

Meet Kaliti and Susi

Kaliti (above left) is a new Fijian sister who lives in Wollongong. She met a lady named Trez in a fish & chip shop and Trez spoke to her about the Lord. Kaliti received the Spirit just before she was baptised. Susi (above right) was baptised on 14th March 2021. She received the Spirit the week before […]

History of the Church

Pastor Mark talks about the history of the bible church. Starting from the day of Pentecost when people first received the gift of the Holy Spirit, up until now – when people are still receiving the Holy Spirit and experiencing the same signs and wonders. Watch it now on YouTube here.