Canberra meeting times and talk library
What’s on this week and links to our recent ministry
What’s on this week and links to our recent ministry
How reliable do you think you are? Do you keep your word? And is that important to you?
One Vision newsletter has just been emailed out to our subscribers
‘Birds of a Feather, Flock Together’ based around the scripture in Psalm 119v63 : I am a companion of all that fear thee.
One Vision has just been emailed out to our subscribers
It’s such a blessing to be breathing fresh air in January 2021 after Canberrans could barely see through the smoke haze this time last year. February 2020 saw the North and Southside fellowships come together to run a “Fete for Fires” event, enticing passers-by to have their face painted, jump in a jumping castle and […]
To be able to claim ‘It is well with my soul’ even when really tough things are happening, takes deep conviction, understanding and hope.
God has practical wisdom for so many parts of our lives. Here are three keys to financial freedom.
First in a series of four talks on The Tabernacle presented at Southside Revival Fellowship. In this talk, Pr Bob provides an overview of The Tabernacle and how it applies to our walk in Christ.
Second talk in the series on The Tabernacle presented at Southside Revival Fellowship. In this talk, Pr Mike goes into the meaning of the Altar of Sacrifice and the Mercy Seat for us.