True Stories

Peter – Set Free by God

11 Nov 2019

Three years ago I found myself trapped in my own web of lies and deception. I was a compulsive gambler and nothing else had any true meaning for me. Gambling sucked everything away and I could think of nothing else.

I’d had a Catholic upbringing and so I would pray to God for help but then turn straight back to my addiction. I wanted help but I was thoroughly addicted. Eventually my wife found out and I was forced to confess what I had done. While my family gathered around me in support, it was still incredibly difficult to come clean about everything. I hit rock bottom.

However my mother-in-law and sister-in-law were members of the Revival Fellowship, and they came and prayed with me. I felt as if the Lord spoke directly to me, telling me I would never gamble again and to look after my family.

I jumped up from that prayer feeling refreshed. Soon afterwards I was baptised by full immersion and was filled with the Holy Spirit with the Bible evidence of speaking in tongues. I was so excited at being forgiven and finally having a new start. My old life was completely gone.

Since then my marriage is being restored with trust and forgiveness and ongoing healing. I have no urge to gamble – I’m just no longer interested. I don’t even mind being around others who talk about gambling any more. For this I praise the Lord.