True Stories

Pamela Graham – Marriage Healed

11 Nov 2019

My husband and I had a pretty sad marriage before we both became Christians. We started off okay but quickly fell into long periods of not talking to each other. We didn’t know what to do or how to fix it, and many times I felt like leaving him. We were using drugs daily to get through life and keep up a pretence of being happy.

In early 1980 we started to wonder if there was a God, so got in touch with an old friend that we knew had a spiritual experience some years earlier.

He asked if we wanted to come to a Revival Fellowship meeting. So we did, and there we heard how God could fix all the things about our lives we didn’t like or felt we had no control over. The speaker that day said if we took one step towards God, He would reveal Himself.

We felt very excited about this message and knew we had nothing to lose so we got baptised straight away. We also heard for the first time about the Holy Spirit – how you could receive it, and how it would guide and comfort you. We asked God for this Holy Spirit and we both received it when hands were laid on us – we knew because we started speaking in tongues.

Things changed instantly. We had this new love for each other and God repaired all the damage that had gone before. We gave up all the drugs straight away and I can truly say we have a wonderful life.

I know we wouldn’t still be together without God.