True Stories

Lesley – Healed of many things

30 Nov 2019

Hi my name is Lesley, and I am very fortunate to be able to tell my story.

I am fortunate because I have been healed of many things: I was healed of the trauma of early childhood abuse; healed of the consequences following my father putting me out into the streets at eleven years old; healed from the effects of two violent marriages and a broken heart; healed from twenty years of drug and alcohol addictions that I relied on to get me through those times, and; healed from the grief of the death of my four month old baby.
I was 33 and living in crisis housing when I was shown in the Bible I could be baptised by full emersion. I wanted to be saved, so I obeyed the Bible and got baptised. That night I went home and after I had put the children to bed, I knelt down to ask for the Holy Spirit. I began to speak in a language to God which was like a fountain flowing up from inside me, carrying with it all my pain to God.

This is when I was instantly and wonderfully healed of all the things I have mentioned.

After my baptism my father apologised and over time my relationship with my parents was healed.

When my mother was 92 she was baptised also.

My children and grandchildren are all safe and well. The chain of abuse is broken forever by Jesus.

I am very fortunate and thankful.


Lesley (Central Coast NSW)