True Stories

Eloi – A New Life

11 Nov 2019

During my early years I experienced many unexplained health issues: inflammation; chronic headaches; seeping sores; and terrible dreams. While in military service in my country Burundi, a lung condition brought me close to death. But after I was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit, I began to be healed…

I was born in Burundi to a family who were not Christian, and when I was in primary school I moved to live with my older sister. During my youth I had many health issues that could not be explained: inflammation of the body; chronic headaches; seeping sores on my body; terrible dreams where I couldn’t sleep for days. I even felt something was preventing me thinking properly. Looking back, I wonder if it was related to my parents practicing rituals which caused evil spirits to be affecting me.

Miraculously, after year six God helped me get the highest marks in all the schools around about. But still, nothing made me happy because of the mental torture and I was still always sick through high school.

I started going to Christian meetings and one day they preached about the man at the pool of Bethesda. Something touched me in my heart. Some time later I went to another meeting and when I went to the front to pray I experienced a spiritual battle between the powers of darkness and the fire of God. They prayed for me and the symptoms began to disappear.

After high school I went into military service and there I experienced severe chest pains, and my lungs were found to be full of fluid. The specialist saw the X-ray results and expected me to die but I said I would be healed. The next X-ray showed all the fluid had drained away and I was sent home.

Soon after I was baptised and filled with the Holy Spirit. I finished my university degree and got a job. Later on I married my wife Joyce and after more difficulties and dangerous situations we were able to come to Australia in 2015.

One day, while we were looking for a church, we walked past the Revival Fellowship building on our way to Westfield. We heard the bible message there, and are thankful that the Holy Spirit was guiding us.