True Stories

Allison’s story

3 Apr 2021

I always believed in God and Jesus, His Son. I believed the bible was His word – and had tried unsuccessfully to read it. 

Bilingual version (Chinese and English) of Allison’s story available here.

In 1989 I was a married young mother – I wanted to raise my child well and for my family to be ‘right’ with God.

I had met someone previously that had talked about the Lord with great affection and given me a pamphlet about turning to God.  She had advised me to pray that my sister, who was in a cult, would turn to Christianity. I had no experience that God answered prayer, but reasoned I had nothing to lose.

After this my sister left the cult. I gave her the pamphlet and told her “God is the only way” though I didn’t really know anything at the time!  She went to Perth and not long after, was living with a Christian family and attending a church.

I visited her and she invited me to attend church – I decided to keep an open mind.  Before we left for the meeting she said “Don’t be afraid if you hear people speak in tongues”.

This sounded familiar- I later realized I had seen those words in the bible but had closed it, bewildered.

At the meeting I heard from people who were miraculously healed of incurable illnesses.  I was curious. I was invited to go forward for prayer and wondered what I should ask for. The Pastor laid hands on me and asked the Lord to come into my life. I said in my heart sincerely, “Whatever it takes, I want to follow God”.

Shortly after that prayer, I received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I knew it was a miracle. My mother was also instantly healed following prayer, of a long term painful back condition.

At home, I sought out a church to attend. I prayed and found myself at the Revival Fellowship. I was shown the whole gospel and the answers to my questions. I saw that I needed to be baptised by full immersion to complete my salvation.

My husband also received the Holy Spirit, as did both our children when they were 11 and 9. Our lives are blessed with spiritual revelations, miraculous provision and healing. The Lord is always present to help His children.

After thirty years of prayer, reading the bible and fellowship, my appreciation of the Lord grows daily.

by Allison (Coffs Harbour)


Bilingual version (Chinese and English) of Allison’s story available here.