
TRF Council Meeting in Gosford

18 Dec 2019

The Revival Fellowship Council met in November this year in Gosford where a number of issues were discussed.

The Revival Fellowship Council consists of nine senior Pastors with considerable experience and representing geographic areas around the world. It has been operating now for almost 25 years. The primary function of the Council to provide stable and doctrinally sound leadership for the Church.

It meets twice a year at various locations that have a local Revival Fellowship, to discuss doctrinal and various difficult issues referred to it by either other Pastors or members of the Church.

Saints can approach their local Council Pastor for matters in their area that, in their opinion, are not being addressed after discussion with their local pastor.

The Council met in November this year in Gosford. A number of issues were discussed including marital issues, how to deal with massive social change, how to engage the younger generations of the Church and continuing support for Fellowships in third world countries.

The Council membership is slowly changing as older men retire and younger take on the mantle. The Council covets your prayers as it continues to govern according to the word of God.

Pastor Michael Nagy (Council representative for NSW/ACT)