
Pastors and Wives Weekend

1 Sep 2019

The annual NSW/ACT pastors and pastor’s wives weekend was held in Bowral on 2-4 August.

The weekend is an opportunity to come together to discuss State-related needs and projects and to encourage and support one another in the work of the Lord. It was wonderful to hear about some of the new local as well as Australia-wide initiatives such as the ‘National Youngies Network’, One Vision projects, topics for the Goulburn leaders weekend next March and the 2020 State Rally.

There is also some time to relax, have fun and enjoy each other’s fellowship! During our ‘Country & Western’ themed dinner on Saturday night, as usual there were some hilarious fancy dress outfits! Also the rapid responses to our quiz about movie Westerns revealed that many of our leaders may have spent quite a few hours watching the old classics!

The best thing about the weekend is the unity of Spirit that is evident and the love and we have for one another. Hopefully everyone went back to their home assemblies feeling refreshed and inspired!

by Angela Nagy (Canberra)