NYC 2020 online
29 Jul 2020I can honestly say NYC 2020 was one of, if not the most, unusual one I have ever been to.
Unfortunately because of Covid19, NYC was cancelled. I think I can speak for all youngies when I say it was devastating. But thanks to technology we were able to meet online.
The camp ran every Thursday and Saturday for three weeks and the theme was ‘Vessels’.
It was amazing to see Gods hand over the entire camp. Some of my highlights, (and believe me there were plenty), include these thoughts:
– our vessel is like a boat – it’s not meant to stay in the harbour
- our vessel is like a pizza box – the box is not important, it’s what’s inside that matters
- and to always remember that God is the potter and we are the clay. We are constantly been moulded and reshaped.
Another amazing thing about this years NYC being online, was that we were able to connect throughout the world and meet youngies in different countries. It’s great to see how we are all connected thanks to the Lord.
by Matt Wilson (Central Coast)