
Food Allergy Healed!

After being encouraged from different people around here – her father’s faith, her friend’s confidence and encouragement through ministry – Jess was healed from her food allergies and intolerances.

NYC Ministry 2022

Hear the ministry, testimonies, workshops and gems from National Youngies Camp 2022 on spotify. You’ll find lots of other ministry here presented by and written for (but not specific to!) our younger demographic aswell…enjoy!


This year we were blessed to have a physical National Youngies event, however it was spread across 2 locations. I had the pleasure of attending the Central Coast event. The ministry was golden, and fellowship even better! Board games and football were a must, but just spending this time with our brothers and sisters was […]

Sin Explained

A very comprehensive talk on sin – why we sin (even when we don’t want to), and what to do when we do sin. Given by a young P Dan Sunderland at our National Youngies Camp in 2006 when the theme was ‘Enjoying your salvation’

Dealing with mental health (from NYC 18)

This was a particularly helpful talk given at the National Youngies Camp 2018. Josh shares his own experiences dealing with mental health and gives six strategies that have made a real difference for him.

Legion Released – You Really are Free

Given by P Pete Moore at our National Youngies Camp in 2006 when the theme was ‘Enjoying your salvation’. It’s hard to enjoy your salvation when you still feel trapped by your sin. But like Legion – a man filled with many demons, release is not just possible, it’s promised.