

Protection in Afghanistan

Sam grew up in a loving family knowing God, through his military service he has experienced God’s personal protection, witnessed miracles first hand and shares about life after Afghanistan

Soul Sistas 2022

‘Birds of a Feather, Flock Together’ based around the scripture in Psalm 119v63 : I am a companion of all that fear thee.

What We Are & What We’re Not

Ben Chidiac (Sydney) spoke recently at a NSW zoom Prayer & Fast about what we are as a church and what we are not. Watch on YouTube here.

Kara’s True Story

When I walked into the Revival Fellowship hall for the first time, I knew I had found what was missing in my life.

History of the Church

Pastor Mark talks about the history of the bible church. Starting from the day of Pentecost when people first received the gift of the Holy Spirit, up until now – when people are still receiving the Holy Spirit and experiencing the same signs and wonders. Watch it now on YouTube here.

People of Honour

Pastor Mark looks at what the bible has to say about ‘honour’. When we are spirit-filled we become people of honour. God has honoured us with his Holy Ghost…we are valued and precious in his sight. Watch it now on YouTube here.

Hunter meetings

What’s on? Wednesday: We will be hosting our first Zoom housemeeting.  Check your email for details or contact for details. Thursday: Your House Leader will be in touch with a scripture of encouragement. Sunday: 11am via Zoom and our YouTube channel Staying connected (and live streaming) Subscribe to our YouTube channel (top right red button […]