Making Prayer Powerful
Christ taught us how to pray a powerful prayer in ‘The Lord’s Prayer’. We aren’t to pray this prayer repetitively, but we when we use it as a guide, great things happen…
Christ taught us how to pray a powerful prayer in ‘The Lord’s Prayer’. We aren’t to pray this prayer repetitively, but we when we use it as a guide, great things happen…
The letters in chapters 2 and 3 are to the seven churches in Revelations about the same age as us…
Ephesus : faithful but not passionate
Smyrna : persecuted but faithful; and Pergamos : loyal but compromised.
Thyatira: passionate but not faithful; and Sardis: looking great but really dead.
Philadelphia : faithful despite being small and weak; Laodicea : ignorant and lukewarm.
Summarising all the previous messages on these churches.