What’s Your Story – Convention 2019
21 Jun 2019The Revival Fellowship’s International Convention was held in Adelaide over the June long weekend this year.
The theme for the Convention was ‘What’s your story?’ and we heard many wonderful testimonies from around the world as well as encouraging talks from the Pastors.
As individuals shared their stories it became very apparent that these stories were not just their stories but ours and God’s too. People spoke of how their lives were changed, sicknesses healed and addictions conquered. One brother spoke of his miraculous recovery from a catastrophic brain stem stroke and others spoke about being set free from debilitating depression and anxiety. Most importantly, all spoke of the life transforming experience of receiving the Holy Spirit and being born again.
The stories told reminded us all that God can heal, bless and save. His power is unlimited and he can heal body, mind and spirit.
Adelaide Revival Fellowship did a great job in hosting the convention.
Joe Abel (Central Coast)